Monday, December 1, 2014

 I Stand Corrected

It seems I owe you an apology.  Strictly speaking I may not always post limericks.  I sent my Thanksgiving post to an acquaintance whose e mail is Prof**** and received a lesson about limericks in reply.

The professor was so unimpressed
About syllables stressed and unstressed
I had iambed to excess
And I put in less
Than the requisite quota of anapest.

And I quote, “Limericks seem easy but are trickier than they look. They require rigorous adherence to their metrical scheme (two lines of three anapests [^^- ^^- ^^-], two lines of two anapests, and a final line of three anapests) though an iamb [^-] can be substituted for the first anapest in each line.”

So, please accept my apology.  As you can see, I have substituted an I am to start most of the lines.

I am totally humbled, embarrassed
I am sure it is time I confessed
I am sloppy at best
About stressed and unstressed,
I am unschooled in iamb and anapest.

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