Tuesday, November 15, 2016

With Friends Like These

After Trump called Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in this country’s history, and accused her of treason, Kellyanne Conway criticized Harry Reid’s description of Trump as a sexual predator, saying “be very careful about the way you characterize somebody.”

A warning from Kellyanne Conway - 
Harry Reid, you should watch what you say,
That’s slanderous opinion.
Accusing Clinton
Of corruption and treason’s OK.

Either he’s a sexual predator, or he’s a bigger liar than we realized.  And his first appointments do not bode well for being “President for all Americans”

Donald Trump has just loaded a cannon
For advisor he put his own man in
As chief strategist
An overt misogynist -
Breitbart dot com’s Stephen Bannon,

Repeat 7 times, changing line 4 to: 

A white supremacist
Self-proclaimed Leninist
A bigoted racist
Anti Islamist
Alt right journalist
A spousal abusist
A conspiracy theorist

I will really miss Gwen Ifill.

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