Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Fake News

This is #Fake_News:  

(Stratford on Avon)  Nov. 29, 2016    Edward Lear has always been credited with the invention of the limerick, but recently discovered notebooks cast doubt on the origin of that often juvenile poetic form.  The notebooks were hidden in a box under the floorboards of an old school building in Stratford on Avon.  While experts are still examining the handwritten poems, some scholars believe them to be the work of a young William Shakespeare, or a teenage boy or girl later calling himself or herself Shakespeare, or a collaborative work of several youths later writing under the name of William Shakespeare.  Below are two samples (with modern spelling) which were later reworked into popular and successful plays.

What light do I see in that window
''Tis the east where those brilliant rays show
Dawn is not here yet
The radiance is Juliet
And the moon seems so pale next her glow.

To exist or desist is the question
To suffer the arrows of fortune
Or sleep, eternally,
To dream, possibly
Who knows what we see when life's done?

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