Thursday, December 28, 2017

To the New Year

I would like to wish everybody a happy holiday season, and a wonderful New Year.  I would like to end the year on a cheery note.  I would like to celebrate the lengthening days and a resurgence of hope.  But right now, I’m a bit under the weather.

My eyes are runny, my nose is red
I can scarcely breathe when prone in bed
This West Coast cold
Now six days old
Leaves an ache that was my head.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Big Tax Attack

Chuck Grassley let everyone know the motivation behind the new tax attack on the middle class:  “I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley told the Register in a story published Saturday. “As opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.”

The middle class is of little concern
They spend every penny they earn
So why help the poor
They’ll just spend some more
But the rich need more money to burn.

With Democrats in power they thrived.  In what should be a more supportive habitat they have disappeared.

The loss of a species is linked
To the tax reform bill to be inked
The loud raucous bird
Is no longer heard
The Deficit Hawk is extinct.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Deficit Attention Disorder

The Party of Fiscal Responsibility wants to increase the deficit dramatically.  In a couple of years they’ll complain about it and reduce every social program they can think of.  I haven’t figured out how they’ll blame the Democrats, but that’s coming too.  It’s all based on voodoo economics, imaginary history and obscenely big buck donations from the ‘deserving 1%’.

They’re out on a tax cutting spree
Ignoring economic history
Growth will soon fade
If cuts are made
But it will strengthen the plutocracy.

The Democrats seethe and scramble while the smiling, smug Hypocrats congratulate themselves and gloat.

The Republican soul has been bared
Congress has clearly declared
Disregard for deficits
If they help the rich
And no deficit hawk even cared.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Year of the Wandering Hand

Is it really unbridled libido or is it just a naked power grab?  

If you wonder what grabbing her ass meant
If you did not get hands on her assent
There’s no possible way
She’d call it foreplay
But consider it sexual harassment.

Franken and Conyers are under investigation and being pressured to resign.  Bill Cosby denied everything and has gotten off.  Moore and Trump just lie and nobody seems to care enough to investigate, or even vote against them.  It’s that power thing.

Those who admit what they’ve done
Are pressured for their resignation
So please tell me why
Those who deny
Aren’t subject to investigation?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

To the Best of My Recollection

… I haven’t published these before.

At the last session Jeff Sessions swore
As he did at each session before
That he’d tell Congress all
That he could recall
And at each session he recalled more.

With a memory like that how did he make it through Law School?  Coincidentally the same Law School attended by another memory challenged politician currently making headlines - Roy Moore.

Sessions recall had several omissions
And was subject to frequent revisions
Is his memory defective
Or just more selective
Than Alabama Law School admissions?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Cream of the Crap

These limericks I hope make you smile
So I’ve left politics alone for a while
“Cause it hampers my wit
When I’m neck deep in it
And Trump’s at the top of the pile.


See also:

He hates the elite’s arrogance
And elevates rank ignorance
He knows what he’s doing
He knows who he’s screwing
By appointing incompetents.

We’re serving a multi-year sentence
Imposed with venom and vengeance
By a corrupt regime
That has as its dream
Aggrandizement at our expense.  

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Is Collusion the Conclusion?

My blog gets infrequent visits from all over the world; Ukraine, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and Russia.  I now assume they are just trolls on some automated search, but for what?

About once in each month my small blog site
Gets 22 hits in one night
From some Russian source,
So I wonder of course
Why would they read what I write?

We keep hearing more and more that another IRA (Internet Research Agency) is trying to foment turmoil using provocative social media content.  But from my blog?  Give me a break.

These hits aren’t for literary critiquing 
So what is it that they are seeking
My posts at my best
Don’t stir up unrest
And they’re nothing that’s worth Wikileaking.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

 Wherein Lies the Truth?

Prevarication, mendacity, falsehood, untruth, spin, dishonesty, deceit, fraudulent, fallacious, perfidious, and BS all were well established before anyone started talking about alternative reality, alternative facts and post truth.  Blunt language is not telling it like it is when it’s a LIE.

This is the year truth may die
It’s truly the year of the lie.
Lies barefaced, not subtle
Immune to rebuttal
With fact checkers ceasing to try.

Here’s where I stand.

Lying is not my forté
Somehow I give it away
When something’s not true.
So I’ll never lie to you
(As every good liar would say).

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fires and Floods

Here are two sides to the argument about Global Warming, Climate Change, Natural Cycle, Hoax, or End of Days.

The havoc is all aftermath
Of straying too far from God’s path
He’s punishing us
For lasciviousness
The storms are a sign of God’s wrath.

Many have said that Katrina, Hugo, Harvey, Jose and Maria are God’s punishment for the LGBT lifestyles.  Odd, but that sounds to me as though Man’s behavior is the cause of the Fires and Floods.

Burning fossil fuels year after year
Polluted the earth’s atmosphere
The earth warms - we’ll fry it
With our high carbon diet
The science behind it is clear.

The science says it IS Man’s behavior that is the cause of the Fires and Floods.  The solutions are very different, but there is some common ground.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Equality and Respect

Cheers to the athletes who have joined the protest.

To kneel before God shows respect
It’s deference a King might expect
Give me a reason
Some think it treason
For athletes who wish to genuflect.

One kneels to show deep reverence
It’s respectful and shows deference
When done before God.
So I think it odd
It’s defiance at sporting events.

And on the other side of the world another oppressed group has been granted a small step toward equality.  I hope it’s a real one and not just a why-not-it-won’t-matter-much-anyway decision.

For the Saudi Arabian female
Driving won’t land them in jail
Is it a step forward?
For soon, I have heard
Driverless cars go on sale.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Time for Spring Cleaning?

I’ve got clothes that I’ll never wear
I’ve got gadgets I’ll never repair
I’ve got books I won’t read
I’ve got files I don’t need
And no closets or storage to spare.

Just to be clear, I’m no hoarder.  I don’t have old newspapers.  (I read them on-line).  This is potentially useful stuff.

Most of this stuff is OK
And maybe I’ll use it one day
I just find it hard
To choose what to discard,
I hate to throw good things away.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Time to Go Outside

Think outside the box, color outside the lines, step outside yourself … and other advice from the outside.

It’s a problem I must solve on my own
My dissatisfaction has grown
After all of this time
I realize that I’m
Ill at ease in my own comfort zone.

Is your comfort zone feeling too small?
Do you venture outside it at all?
Here’s a peptalk, 
When you learned to walk
How many times did you fall?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Climate Change, Sex Change

A while back all tropical storms had feminine names.  Can we blame the increasing frequency and severity of the storms on the decision to give them masculine name too?  Is this creating a sexual competition?

With all the havoc they render,
Whole counties run through a blender,
Hurricanes have been
Traditionally feminine
Is Harvey really transgender?

Is Harvey, with his torrential rains
And winds faster than passenger trains,
For the people of Texas,
Who don’t care what his sex is,
One of herstory's worst hisicanes?

But Irma will not be outdone.

Monday, September 4, 2017

OCERD - Obsessive Current Events Ruminative Disorder

The constant barrage wears me down, fall is coming and I would like to broaden my choice of topics.

Every day the news is depressing
It’s relentless and I’ve been obsessing
My attitude’s been such
That I’ve lost the light touch;
For humor I should be digressing.

Time to reboot.

So much for my childish fantasy
Fame and fortune from short poetry
I’ve been persistent
Though not very consistent 
In posting them on line for free.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Just Let Him Play Golf

This is the title of an Op-Ed piece in today’s New York Times:

President Trump and the Baby-Sitters Club

It’s harder than anticipated
No one knew it was so complicated
History will show
That some presidents grow
But this one has merely inflated.

Another myth confirmed and debunked.

If you grow up in the U.S. of A.
You could become President one day
It’s now evident
That one requirement -
To grow up - is out of the way.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Expletives Deleted

“All men are created equal” is only in the Declaration of Independence, it’s not in the Constitution.  Is that the problem?

Trump’s bigotry is not something new
But now it is out in plain view
Hypocrisy’s been dumped
The race card’s been trumped
It’s just what Republicans do.

I read Charles Blow’s Op-Ed piece in Aug. 17th NY Times  - The Other Inconvenient Truth

This part I found particularly disgusting:

In 1994 John Ehrlichman, Nixon’s domestic-policy adviser and a Watergate co-conspirator, confessed this to the author Dan Baum:

“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or blacks, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

But look on the bright side, we’re making progress.  In Charlottesville Trump blamed BOTH SIDES, in previous cases only one side got blamed.  At least the half-wit was half right.

There was plenty of blame to go ‘round
In earlier deaths it was found
That the fault was one sided
And all guilt resided
In Trayvon Martin, lying dead on the ground.

… repeat ad nauseam …

Michael Brown
Eric Garner
Freddie Gray
Sandra Bland
Philando Castile …..

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Lines in the Sandbox

Remember 4th grade?

When bullies square off on the playground
One hopes there’s an adult around
Who can dispense
Some common sense
And calm the big egos down.

Newton’s laws don’t call for escalating reactions.

When you travel inside your own bubble
Advice and criticism are trouble
You may stick to a view
That is wildly askew;
The unthinking may think the unthinkable.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

And What Did You Accomplish This Summer?

In and Out like Flynn.

Scaramucci created splash
To show he ain't just talking trash
To build up his cred
He severed one head
And Priebus was gone in a flash.

Was it because he bested Trump in the last week in July dumb statements competition?

Scaramucci jumped in with both feet
In his mouth, and turned up the heat
Claimed he’d end all the leaks
But in less than two weeks
The Mooch is back out on the street.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Maine in Summer, the Way Life Should Be

The weather is great, the house is full, the pond is warm, the garden is growing, and it's a little bit busy with visiting daughter, her husband and their two children.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Continuing last post’s theme, one of these is considered a real word by he website  Wordsmith <>

He survived all the Greek Gods devised
Although he did get calypsized
He was seriously aeleoused
While his young son telemachussed
And his faithful wife wove and penelopized.

I’ve tried at least three times or four
But my perseverance is poor
I’ll start once again
Will I e’er reach the end
Or will I penelopize some more?



verb intr.: To delay or gain time to put off an undesired event.


From Penelope, the wife of Odysseus and mother of Telemachus in Greek mythology. She waited 20 years for her husband’s return from the Trojan War (ten years of war, and ten years on his way home). She kept her many suitors at bay by telling them she would marry them when she had finished weaving her web, a shroud for her father-in-law. She wove the web during the day only to unravel it during the night. Earliest documented use: 1780. Her name has become a synonym for a faithful wife: penelope.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

A Name to Remember

Last week the website  Wordsmith <> ran a series of words derived from people's names.  Monday's word was 



verb tr.: To restore or remodel something without paying attention to its original character, history, etc.

After Edmund Beckett, first Baron Grimthorpe (1816-1905), an architect whose restoration of St. Albans Cathedral in England was criticized for radical changes made to the building. Earliest documented use: 1890.

Lord Grimthorpe, a British architect
Treated history with little respect
His name’s still in use
For visual abuse
And buildings whose appearance he wrecked.

His sense of esthetics was warped
The lessons of history unadsorped
And to this day
You may hear people say
That lovely old building got grimthorped.

If your named were verbed what would it mean?

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Independence Day

July 4th is our big celebration
With hot dogs and tacos and bacon
With coleslaw and beer
And fireworks to cheer
With Democracy as our foundation.

Hot Dogs:  Germany - 17th Century
Tacos:  Mexico - Pre-Columbian
Bacon:  Cured pork belly was eaten in ancient China and the Roman Empire
Cole Slaw: The Netherlands - 18the Century
Beer:  Sumeria (now Iraq) - circa 2,000 B.C.
Fireworks:  China - 7th Century
Democracy:  Greece - 500 B.C.

E pluribus unum.  It was there long before ‘in God We Trust’

Out of many we can make One
It’s not always easy or fun
We may disagree
But Democracy
Needs compromise to get anything done.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

 McConnellCare Postponed

Defeat or Retreat?  What’s the Death Panel say, Resuscitate or Cremate?  

They claim to be fixing our healthcare
Negotiations are at a point where
They’re forced to delay,
And I’m one to say
There isn’t a whole lot of care there. 

My rhyming dictionary only gives 3 rhymes for ealth, how could I pass up the opportunity?

To insure our best prospects for health
They’ll cut taxes for people of wealth
With attempts to conceal
The details of the deal
They wrote it with absolute stealth.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The SessionsSessions

I really don’t recall anything so vapid after such a build up.  Are Ignorance, Memory Loss and Evasiveness longstanding Department of Justice policies that might or might not be written down somewhere?  Maybe someone could research that?  We know about the current Attorney General’s longstanding policies toward women and minorities.

Harris and Warren are PerSisters
Silenced by Cease and Desisters
They wished to say more
Were shut down on the Floor
By We-Run-The-Show-Ladies Misters.

I didn’t know that ‘sistere’ is ‘to stop’ in Latin.  And despite its origin hysterical is a neutral term, according to CNN commentators who used the word to describe Kamala Harris.

Harris questioned with unhurried pace
Polite and not out of place
But Sessions, who flustered
And McCain, who then blustered
Were the hysterical ones in this case.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Mission Accomplished

At the rate he’s passing legislation and getting things done he’ll be able to take the summer off.  And won’t it be nice when global warming makes summers last much longer.

Was this supposed to be Group Therapy?  - ‘let’s go around the table and say something nice about the guy who hired you and will fire you if you don’t.’

The Cabinet convened just to praise him,
That he asked to be praised didn’t faze him
It’s what he wanted to hear
And he grinned ear to ear
His accomplishments always amaze him.

He’s accomplished more than anyone, and he’s new to the job.

I think I’ll book Carnegie Hall
Though my musical skill may appall
Bad reviews won’t offend me
Paul Ryan will defend me
“He is just new to it all.”

Thursday, June 8, 2017

 A Dive Back into the Swamp

I tried staying away from Politics, but it’s so all consuming.

The stories the media’s presenting
Are depressing, bizarre, unrelenting
They are sifting through bull
From a Twittering mogul
Who claims that he’s Presidenting.

The biggest source of #FakeNews?
His unfiltered spontaneous views
His must-see TV
His grandiose fantasy
Devoid of the truth he eschews.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

 Gripes!  Spring’s Almost Over

We try to get ready for summer.

The grass grows so fast when there’s rain
You attempt to cut it in vain
So you wait ’til it’s dry
But then it’s too high -
Mowing grass in the Spring is a pain.

and all the other things like planting the vegetables and finding the swim suit.

I believe I’ve started a trend
Pastry is now my best friend
The trend may be slow
But it’s starting to show
(I’m putting on weight once again.)

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Elephant in the Room

The act is getting old, and it’s just too expensive to keep it running.

It’s huge, it’s beautiful, stupendous
Some lament that it comes to an end, as
They shut the place down
And fire every clown,
The loss to its fans is tremendous.

They’ve entertained everyone gaily
Facing risk without a net daily
They outshine all others,
Those Ringling Brothers
And their circus with Barnum and Bailey

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Truth is Just One Option

The fake news, the real news, and everything in between, just keep bombarding us.

Every day the media spews
Scandalous frightening news
It’s a deafening tune
Of an ignorant buffoon
While the Future is singing the blues.

Even if you ignore the content, the syntax, the circumlocutions, the non-sequiturs and the discrepancies are infuriating.  I’m sure Kislyak and Lavrov speak better English than Trump and Spicer.

The news is no fun anymore
It’s rotten clear down to its core
And spewed out by Spicer
The word salad dicer
The no answer, phony news whore.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

 Who Knew It Could Be So Complicated?

It’s not climate science.  It’s pretty simple.

To me maternity care is an essential service. But I guess to our elected representatives it’ s not because it only applies to 50% of the population in a limited age range.  

The only way to keep premiums down and to cover preexisting conditions is to mandate universal coverage.

If we want to keep the insurance companies in business, the wealthy have to contribute.

The deal was conceived with great stealth
And fosters a transfer of wealth
The waivers in there
Obviate essential care
And do nothing to promote better health.

Trump, his cronies and House Republicans aren’t the only ones celebrating.  Heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, and others are enjoying their new power. 

Diseases all celebrate the day
The House passed the AHCA
Because under this bill
They wreak havoc at will
And insurance won’t stand in their way.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A One Hundred Day Fund Filled Play-Cation

The Majority Leader, the Speaker and the Prez walk into a deadline.....

A turtle like Senate buffoon,
A gym rat, and a business tycoon,
Can they find a way
To keep critics at bay
And fund the Government soon?

This hundred day benchmark's a farce
Though his record has been off the charts
He has done more
Than any President before
Although the evidence is sparse.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Diversity On Wall Street

He wants his power to be absolute.

Several tons of unbridled masculinity
Meets stylized juvenile femininity 
They stand face to face
She's invaded his space
And he gripes of her threatening proximity.

Notice how the woman gets blamed.

'Charging Bull' was quite happy alone
Tons of bronze testosterone
'Fearless Girl' gets the blame
For a vixen like game
Exploiting him in a scheme of her own.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Wanted; A Bit of Alright

Recent articles in The NY Times cite studies that show the benefits of a positive outlook.

This blog's not a heavy endeavor,
And I know it won't go on forever
Lately at times
I struggle with rhymes
That don't seem amusing or clever.

Research says optimism will give
You a better life and longer to live,
But the world situation
Gives scant inspiration
For thoughts that I call positive.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Representative Democracy

Or should I say democrazy?

He said he would 'drain the swamp' promptly
Because it is fetid and pongy 
He's altered it some
So it has become
More cat boxy than it is swampy.

The cabinet choices say so much.

Wilber Ross and Tillerson; plutocracy
Rick Perry and DeVos; idiocracy
Jeff Sessions and Flynn
Kelly Conway, Mnuchin
Steve Bannon and Trump; hypocracy.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


With Ryan's tax reduction disguised as healthcare reduction failure, and the Gorsuch Denver Rodeo hearings, you may have forgotten that the investigation into Russian interference got sidetracked by rants about leaks and wiretaps.  But remember...

A victory for Vladimir Putin
And the man for whom he was rootin'
No one expected
They'd get Trump elected;
A coup without any shootin'.

When did Russian meddling begin?
Did it start with Trump's primary win?
Were they in each state
To help make us great?
How big's the Trump card they're holding?

Sunday, March 19, 2017

 R.I.P. (Rock'n'roll In Paradise)

Sorry Donald, the front page isn’t all yours today.  There is important real news to cover.

Sixty years on the Rock ’n Roll scene,
With Nadine, Sweet Little Sixteen,
Roll Over Beethoven
Chuck Berry is comin’
After years motorvatin’ Maybelline.

He gave us great Rock ’n Roll music
He took rhythm and blues and infused it
With a story to tell
And good humor as well
His spirit’s alive, we won’t lose it.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Businessman in Chief

For some reason Mexico declined the opportunity to build a beautiful border wall, but businessmen find ways to get things done, obstacles are just opportunities by another name.

He portrayed their evil so luridly
And he’s planning the wall very hurriedly
The money won’t come
From Mexico, but from
The Coast Guard and airport security.

So Coast Guard funding gets cut?  If they would think like businessmen they could make up the loss in funding very easily.

The Coast Guard interdicts off shore drug runs
And confiscates thousands of tons
If they retailed the stuff
They’d soon earn enough
To replenish all of those funds.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Is the Abuser Abused?

Kellyanne Conway is harsh on Trump’s critics, and is definitely an abuser of truth, but look at her enabling behavior and how she is treated.  For the last couple of weeks they've shut her up.

Kellyanne, they hid you a way
For some ill-advised comments one day.
They make no such fuss
When Bannon or Priebus
Have equally dumb things to say.

When a spouse lies and covers up for his or her partner that’s enabling abusive behavior.

You’re doing all that you can
To support and enable your man
Spouting alternative facts.
Aren’t feminist acts
Are you being abused, Kellyanne?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

 Bad High School Students

He claims a bad high school student would understand his executive orders better than those ‘so-called judges.’  I think a bad high school student could do a better acting job as ‘so-called President.’  

These executive orders are fun
I just ask my aides to draft one
In which I declare
To the people out there
That my tasks are completed and done.

And we learned something about how #fakenews is created.  It makes no sense, but that would be expecting too much.

Your logic contains a mistake
So explain it again for my sake.
The leaks are quite real
But the facts they reveal
When broadcast as news become fake?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Promises, Promises

I make big mistakes now and then
Most of the time it is when
I fail to think through
What I should do
Every time, it won’t happen again.

An adage a day keeps the metaphors flowing.

When you are deep in a hole that you dug
You can’t sweep it under the rug
It’s all over the fan
Pull your head from the sand
Drop your weapon and just pull the plug.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Can You Spell Emoluments?

The Mar a Lago Club is open to anyone of any ethnic origin or religious affiliation.  But they are all of the same Creed - $$$ and Power.  And the initiation fee just doubled to $200,000 because it now has more cachet.

His club in Palm Beach is the best
Your every need is addressed
There you will meet
The wealthy elite
And truth is an unwelcome guest.

Why all this fuss about our President’s conflicts of interest?  There is no conflict, it’s just that his interests don’t fit well with that oath he took.

All this Conflict of Interest commotion
Is a stupid ridiculous notion
Donald has shown
He has one interest alone
His image.  It’s ALL self promotion.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Is It Just a Theory?  

It seems that Science has lost its Street Cred.  Don’t people realize what science has brought us?  Scientific discoveries have contributed so much to make this country great.  There are mistakes, but eventually the scientific method will uncover reality.  Galileo was right for 500 years before the Catholic Church would acknowledge it.

When I was a student, a youth
Science meant a search for the truth
Now it’s derided
And Truth is decided
By majority vote in the booth.

You don’t like what scientists have concluded?  It still applies to you.  There’s no opting out,

The Religious tell all atheists
Despite your beliefs God exists.
With science, disbelief
Provides no relief
From the findings of true scientists.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

One Week

Only 94 to go until the next election.  In the meantime I can only dream that 3 Republican Senators will get so fed up with the White House Circus that they switch their party affiliation to Democrat.  Then committee heads change and we might survive.

The GOP rules the Senate with glee
If only a courageous three
Would change affiliation
And show the nation
They value US more than blind loyalty.

Crowd size, 5 million illegal votes (110% of them for Hillary), the Cabinet with the highest IQ ever (and that includes Rick Perry nominee for head of the Ummmm, Umm Department) and it’s only taken him a week to cement his status as the smartest, most competent, healthiest, most successful, popular, trustworthy ever.  Believe me.

He’s a mendacious amoral jerk
Who’s gone from bizarre to berserk
Dishonesty mounts
Over crowd size and vote counts
Does anyone think this will work?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Remember birtherism, remember ‘you lie’  during the State of the Union speech, remember welcoming Obama as a socialist, muslim, anti-American, not-one-of-us community organizer?

Give Trump a chance people say
Because that’s the American way.
But racism and hate
In two thousand eight
Was patriotic and therefore OK.

and how the Republicans under Mitch We Know What’s Best for You Idiots Who Elected a Black Man McConnell repurposed Nancy Reagan’s Just Say No for their guiding principle?

Mitch and his mates were hell-bent
To make Barack a one term president.
Here’s to equal success
With the regressiveness
Of his new legislative intent.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

 One Day at a Time

Imagine that these were unformatted, 140 characters long and delivered to millions of followers at 4:00 in the morning.

They’ve sold out of dresses to wear
And no hotel rooms to spare
So many bands want to play
I had to turn them away
Everyone wants to be there.

It will take too long to complete
There are too many words to repeat
Trust me on this
I’m the best that there is
I’ll do the dumb oath with a tweet.

Friday, January 13, 2017

All is Fair

Last week Trump lost front page headlines to a dead President.  As suspected by LBJ, Nixon monkey wrenched the Viet Nam peace talks to win the ’68 election.  He didn’t need Russia’s help, just a couple of emissaries.

Was Trump the conniver outraged?
On learning how campaigns are waged?
Tricky Dick was inspired
No hacking required
And the President Elect was upstaged.

Then Mitch McConnell miraculously flipped from Senate Inaction to Senate In Action.  Must have been his New Year’s Resolution.

McConnell: Dems should ‘grow up’ and consider Trump nominees

It makes me want to throw up
Mr. Senate-Means-Business shows up
After eight years of NO WAY
He has the chutzpah to say
‘It’s time for the Dems to grow up.’

Trump is not the only sleaze ball out there.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Therein Lies the Truth?

From the Washington Post:

On “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd pressed Wall Street Journal editor in chief Gerard Baker on whether his paper would call out Trump’s lies for what they are, as other news orgs have been doing with more regularity. Baker’s response is worth quoting in full, because it should go into the time capsule for future generations to ponder in puzzling out what happened in this country at the outset of the 21st century:

I’d be careful about using the word, “lie.” “Lie” implies much more than just saying something that’s false. It implies a deliberate intent to mislead. … when Donald Trump says thousands of people were on the rooftops of New Jersey on 9/11 celebrating, thousands of Muslims were there celebrating, I think it’s right to investigate that claim, to report what we found, which is that nobody found any evidence of that whatsoever, and to say that.

Definition of lie

intransitive verb
1:  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2:  to create a false or misleading impression

When is a lie called a lie?
Must one honestly try
To mislead and deceive,
To truly disbelieve
An untruth one cannot deny?

A fib and a lie are the same
Falsehood’s the name of the game
A mendacious tweet
Smells just as sweet
As BS by any other name.