Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year

In my experience New Year's resolutions are worth about as much as the paper they were printed on, and considerably less than the champagne they were based on.  Maybe you are different.

This week you're all resolute
On the changes that you'll execute
A month will go by
And you won't even try
Two months and you won't give a hoot.

Failing to keep a minor resolution might make you feel bad, but if it's a real stretch, you knew it was too much.

Keeping resolutions is tough
Good intentions alone aren't enough
If you're gonna break
The resolutions you make 
Resolve some really big stuff.

A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to All.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Secret Side of Santa

Last year I marveled at Santa's ability to stay off the radar and deliver all those presents.  This year after listening to Republican candidates talk about security, I started to worry.

There’s a security risk we've neglected
Santa enters our land undetected
Then freely roams
Through thousands of homes
With boxes that are left uninspected.

He crosses borders without documents
He’s in malls and at major events
He’s disguised with a beard
His clothing is weird
Unseen by Central Intelligence

 And  the business savvy realize Santa's business could be better.

Santa could build on his brand
For his skills there is pent up demand
In spring, summer, fall
But he's 'Christmas, that's all'
Tax breaks could help him expand

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Politics and Christmas

During the campaign season politicians are more generous than Santa, despite their bombast, vitriol and intolerance.

They make promises they can never fulfill
They know a way, they have the will
To do miraculous deeds
And meet all you needs
And never increase your tax bill.

But one, Donald Trump, has promised that everyone should celebrate Christmas, no matter what their religion, except Muslims of course, and Mexicans, and Losers.

This season many kids start to fear
That Santa Claus may never appear
They like Trump because he
Says he can guarantee
That Santa will show up each year.

Peace and goodwill to everyone.  For me the Solstice is the most significant event, in just a couple more days the days will be getting longer.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Excuse? or Lifestyle Choice

Why do I put off things I think I want to do?

In theory the idea sounds great
In reality problems accumulate
When things become real
They are less than ideal
To preserve perfection, Procrastinate!

I wanted to get this done a couple of months ago, and couple of others to go along with it, but …

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


For members of my High School class an insurance ad featuring Peter Pan prompted some comments from the women about cute, but ultimately undesirable, Peter Pan types.

He was always a boy, Peter Pan
Women hoped he would grow to a man
He seemed cute to them, first
But their opinion reversed
When he refused to mature per their plan.

A subsequent discussion somehow morphed into a story (carried on by the men) of how jealousy over a beautiful woman was the cause of many of society’s problems.

And then there was Helen of Troy
For her love men set out to destroy.
Did all that emotion
The love and devotion
Bring the beautiful Helen any joy?

Are these people anyone we know?

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

How? Why? and What are His Supporters Thinking?

Donald Trump says how great he will make this country, but doesn’t explain how.

When asked, the Donald dismisses
Details of his grandiose promises
The detail he’ll state
Is that Donald is great,
Sounds a bit to me like Narcissus.

So, why is he running?  It’s all about proving he’s the ultimate Winner.  Forget the Losers.

He’s a bully who belittles and taunts
With a bigoted view that he flaunts
By broadcasting his rants
The media grants
Donald Trump the publicity he wants.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Call it dressing or stuffing, it tastes best when it’s cooked inside the turkey.

How much are you able to shove in
A turkey?  Can you get enough in
The bird’s cavity
For two helpings or three
So your guests make a verb out of stuffin'?

Harvest celebrations are ancient.  Thanksgiving became a national holiday by a declaration of Abraham Lincoln.  And before that?

Did the Natives sit down with the Pilgrims
To say grace, share food, and sing hymns?
It was so long ago,
That we’ll never know
But mythology grows as truth dims.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Quality, Quantity or Connections?

Last week the NY Times ran a story about some young poets who posted their poetry on line and had become very popular and sold more books than some highly regarded ‘print only’ poets.

On the web these poets found glory
The Times just published their story
They’ve achieved fame
I’ve been trying the same
But I’m deep in obscure territory.

Is their poetry better, did they write more of it, did they pick a better on line forum, or did they find an influential person to promote their work?  Any, or all of those are possible.

So, who is Khloe Kardashian?
Why is she an arbiter of fashion?
She’s someone you see
If you turn on TV
When the network has something that’s trashy on.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday Mourning

It’s not just the horror in Paris, it’s Nairobi, Beirut, Baghdad, Syria ….  

The Bible says “thou shalt not kill”
But people say “Oh yes we will”
Mankind has warred
And claimed that their Lord
Has a Mission that they must fulfill.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

It’s Time to Pierce the Corporate Veil

Remember when all those ‘scientists’ working for big tobacco companies denied the link between smoking and lung cancer?  What part of deja vu don’t you understand?

Exxon scientists, we hear, will admit
CO2 is affecting our climate
They concocted a story
(It’s Obfuscatory)
Claiming that link illegit.

Meanwhile engineers at VW were thinking ‘outside the box’, well really, inside the little black box computer, which they taught how to cheat on emissions tests.

Their diesel emissions were high
They had one last idea to try
A simple solution
Ignore the pollution
And teach the computer to lie.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Drag and Drop

I misheard an ad Tuesday night
It scared me but gave me insight
My misinterpretation
Inspired imagination
And explains why we see Northern Lights.

The ad boasted of its drag 'n drop convenience, but I know they meant Dragon Drop...

They touted their drag ’n drop software
Which gave me a bone chilling scare
One simple keystroke
And the sky fills with smoke
And attack dragons fall through the air!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

All Thatand an Extra Hour Tonight

Halloween, or All Hallows Eve
When fertile imaginations believe
That the division’s elastic
‘Twixt real and fantastic
And who knows what else they conceive?

I hope you enjoy Halloween
When covens of witches convene
A night when I hear it’s
Likely that spirits
And Ghoulies and Ghosties are seen.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Compare and Contrast

I was thinking about those high school reunions again and how much or little some people had changed.

I was so young way back when
Did it show that I’ve grown up since then?
Did I seem mature
Or just insecure
Awkward and shy once again?

A classmate once told me that you could always tell when I was being nasty, because I had a big smile on my face.  Another classmate said I had the best smile in the 9th grade.

I was quiet and often tongue tied
With insecurities I struggled to hide
I had very thin skin
And lashed out with a grin
And my critical sarcastic side.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Speaker of the House

Due to criticism from the far right wing of his party, Speaker Boehner felt he couldn’t get anything done, so he quit.  I never thought that I would regret his resignation, but I may find his replacement even worse.

His position got weaker and weaker
So he gave up his position as Speaker
He got a budget bill passed
Which may be the last
The prospect without him seems bleaker.

As an intellectual leader of the Party of No, at first Paul Ryan said no, no and no.  Now he is saying maybe.

The futility made Boehner resign
Some mystery made McCarthy decline
The Tea Party’s tryin’
To pressure Paul Ryan
To step up to, AND toe the line.

Whoever takes the job is going to have to deal with the ‘we were elected to do nothing except expand defense and our perks, and to starve the rest of the evil government.’ crowd.  

The infighting gave John Boehner scabs
His hot seat is now up for grabs
What he’s leaving behind
His successor will find
Is  - the Tea Party’s a pain in the abs.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Elephant in the Room

I’ve been ignoring him.  Yes, that one with the 6 or 7 assorted handguns and assault rifles (he left his others at home) and the extra ammo, and the memory of slights and insults.  He fades into the background for a couple of months at a time.  Yeah, that one.

The Gun Lobby and Logic are estranged
Nothing’s new, Nothing’s done, Nothing’s changed
He fires round after round
Leaving dead on the ground
‘It’s not the Gun, It’s the Man, he’s deranged.’

The second amendment has only recently come to mean almost any weapon, almost anywhere carried by almost anybody.  You need a hunting license to hunt game, and that’s a short season, but you can walk into a crowded building any time and people stay ‘stuff happens’ and more restrictions aren’t the solution.  

The Second Amendment’s a mess
Its repeal is probably useless
Gun lovers will cite
A ‘Constitutional Right’ -
They ‘need’ guns to pursue happiness.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Red Ink to Red Votes

In Alabama you need a picture ID to vote, and most people use a driver's license.  To save money Alabama closed a number of DMV offices.  Guess where?

The counties where DMVs were shut
Are mostly African-American, but
Alabama will say
It was the best way
To deal with a steep budget cut. 

I think more people buy guns illegally than vote illegally.  Both gun ownership and voting are constitutionally protected, and yet...

Was it politically and racially motivated?
The counties are minority populated
The Supreme Court has said
Discrimination is dead
So the voting rights act is emasculated. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Remembering the Reunion

Who are these people?

I recognized the ones I knew best
I was happy to see all the rest
But some of the faces
The stories and places
Really put my memory to the test.

Here's my number, give me a call.

It ended out on the ball field
With more pictures and stories revealed
Addresses exchanged
Vague plans arranged
Solemn pacts to keep in touch were sealed.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Francis Speaks, Who is Listening?

Pope Francis is visiting the U.S. this week, eating lunch with the homeless rather than with members of Congress, and knocking Trumpty-Dumpty off  the wall....

A humble man of the people, this Pope
He is giving so many such hope
That the Vatican might find
Through his open mind
A way to soften and broaden its scope.

John Boehner ( soon to be former Speaker ) invited the Pope to speak before Congress, as what?
a). Head of State, normally invited by Presidents only
b). Head of a Church, muddying the separation of Church and State
c). Conservative advocate, only to realize that as much as Boehner might like the sex and sanctity bit, he disagrees with Francis's uninfluenced by lobbyists views on immigration, capitalist greed, tolerance and environmental degradation...

Their faith in the Church is still strong
Yet they find that they can't go along
Because he places reliance 
On empathy and science
So this Pope must be totally wrong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

One Down, One to Go

I just attended the first of two high school reunions ( explanation available by request ), and it set the bar high for the second in two weeks.

In praise of the organizing committee

Plan a reunion? No prob!
Organize this feline like mob?
They said it was fun
And still got the work done
A fan-( insert your own emphasis here )-ing-tastic great job! 

I know that the planners really tried
To make sure we were all satisfied
They did all they could
Which was very good
But we missed all the classmates who've died.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

G.O.P. Campaign in a Nutshell

The generic candidate’s speech is…

We’re gonna take our country back
We’re gonna be safe from attack
The economy will soar
No climate change anymore
And we’ll substitute fiction for fact.

... and the leader is …

Trump’s on the stump every day
Crowds love what he has to say
His appeal is amazing
And somewhat hair-raising
If he wins there will be hell toupee.

Monday, September 7, 2015

What Would You Do?

If you were awakened at 4:00 AM by an intruder?

We had an unarmed intruder last night
He startled me and gave me a fright
But I grabbed a trash can
To fight like a man
The squirrel ran, but he put up no fight.

Seriously it was a squirrel, but I was expecting a mouse.  The ‘extraction’ was successful.

Would it be different if I had a gun?
In that case what would I have done?
Would I have fired at will
In an effort to kill
A little creature who just wanted to run?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School

An upcoming High School reunion is bringing back some old memories.  Here are some comments on teachers I appreciated more after I graduated.  Both were tough, but they did teach.

French teacher Mme. Girard - I was in her class for French 2 through 4

Year one she wielded a battle axe
Was a stickler for accent and syntax
When we got to year four
The class wasn’t big anymore
And Mme. Girard could begin to relax.

Chemistry teacher Dorothy Smith - I took 2 years of Chemistry from her.

A few students had real trouble with
Their Chemistry teacher Ms. Smith
When she realized
They had plagiarized
Her toughness wasn’t only a myth.

But remember what Simone Signoret called her autobiography 
Nostalgia Isn't What It used to Be

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Maxims, adages, aphorisms, axioms mantras and dictums are all supposed to contain distilled wisdom.

Look before you leap - but - he who hesitates is lost.

There’s an aphorism for every occasion
Covering all sides of each situation
Can’t make up your mind?
Seek advice and you’ll find
A maxim that gives aphormation.

You get what you pay for - yet - the best things in life are free.

A late arrival is better than none
But time and the tide wait for no one
Time creeps day to day
In its slow petty way
And flies by if you’re having fun.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Clueless in Class

And they thought I was pretty smart.

For their President my classmates chose me
And other officers who were charming and pretty
And I was too dumb
To ask them to come
To discuss class affairs privately.

After 10th grade the boys could get out of ROTC if they joined another before school program.  The only option I remember was chorus.  It was inside, the director was young and pretty and I learned to sing. 

In 10th grade ROTC was required
In 11th many boys joined the choir
The attraction for us?
There were girls in the chorus
And Mrs. Mastros who got us inspired.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Only Five Months ‘til the NH Primary

If Fox News is unavailable in your broadcast area and you don’t have cable was there a debate?  All I heard was that Trump talked more than anyone else.  That’s news?

He’s an acid tongued disgruntled grump
Spewing a stream of consciousness dump
As a multi-billionaire
Why would he care
To change a system that’s been good to *!! TRUMP !!*

Remember back in 2000 when the Supreme Court elected a dumbed down, from the hip shooting, plain talking, misspeaking, folksy, Ivy League educated, logic defying, intelligence denying ‘decider’?

Is his lead in the polls a bubble, a
Blip, is it something to trouble ya?
Is he destined to fall?
If you recall
We misunderestimated Dubbya.

Monday, August 3, 2015

They're Off and Running

Oh what’s that cacophonous sound?
The Circus is coming to town!
With old acts and new ones
Praising God, packing guns
With Trump the orange haired clown.

Tonight 14 of the declared Republican candidates will meet in NH for a pre-debate forum to be broadcast on C Span.  Only 10 will make the cut for Thursday's Fox 'News' debate.

Their tongues sharp and their tempers fraying
Who’s got what you need to stay in
And finish the fight
Trump is  absent tonight
Though Christie decided to weigh in.

They’re pumped and chomping the bit
They’re spewign some venomous shit
With reporters in thrall
Counting hit, flip and fall
Then we’ll get a load of their crit.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

One Upsmanship

Do you know any people like this?

When he asks for your thoughts you’d expect
Him to give what you say some respect
But he tries to sound
Like the smartest around
And dismisses all ideas you conject.

 I think I used to be one, and if I’ve really kicked the habit that makes me far superior to those who need to think they are the smartest in the room.  Even knowing all that, people like this are hard to live with, or work for.

He’ll find fault, that I will guarantee
A problem I failed to foresee
The flaw might be small
And not a problem at all
But it lets him feel smarter than me.

Yes Ms. Doty I know it should be smarter than I, but...

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Where Does My Summer Go?

After 9 months of underuse, houses in Maine fill up in summer with family and friends.  It’s not all fun and laughter,

The food bill is greatly increased
The wine bill is doubled at least
You may wait an hour
For bathroom and shower
And some guests just cannot be pleased.

but summer passes (too) quickly.

From the start until summer’s close
The house fills and then overflows
Despite extra stress
Of dozens of guests
I’ll be sad when the last of them goes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Where Did My Files Go?

I turned my computer on and
Access to most files was banned
One e mail was open
It was a note hopin’
I’d give in to their ransom demand.

Yep! The crypto virus V3.0.  Only issued a couple of months ago.

They used Windows (which I ran on my Mac)
To mount their cyber attack
They wanted 700 from me
For a decryption key
That might let me get my files back.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Where Did the Weekend Go?

I rarely throw good stuff away
Where I put it, I can’t always say
The hours that I waste 
Looking for things I’ve misplaced

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Drachma Drama

The Greek economy needs a boost, but European lenders are calling for stricter austerity.  Strong economic growth is not a by product of austerity during a recession or depression.

Their default left the IMF stunned
(That's the International Monetary Fund)
Austerity hawks don't get
That it's hard to repay debt
When the economy is basically moribund.

The Greeks may owe a lot of Euros, but think about what we and the rest of Europe owe Greece.

Ancient Greeks invented democracy
Modern Europe uses this legacy
Had the Greeks had the foresight
And registered a copyright
They could live off the licensing fee.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Supreme Surprise

This week the Supreme Court ruled that marriage is a right available to all people, and decided not to derail ObamaCare because of one poorly proofread sentence.  The vote was 6-3 and in his opinion Justice Roberts used an argument that Justice Scalia had used against the law in their previous opinion. 

The Court gave the law it’s assent
Scalia, of course, had to vent
It was a brilliant idea 
To use the words of Scalia
In the opinion o’erriding his dissent.

So has this become a liberal court?  Remember Citizens United, the Voting Rights Law,  the Ledbetter Case, and

This still doesn’t even the score
The Judges will have to do more
If they expect
To regain the respect
They lost in Bush vs. Gore.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Politics and Strange Bedfellows

I always thought the expression was figurative, but frequent scandals say otherwise.

Strange bedfellows make politics work
We’ve elected many a jerk
Who choose to ignore
That it’s a metaphor
And think bedfellows are merely a perk.

Republicans have often maintained that you can’t solve a problem by throwing money at it.  Yet when one formerly prominent Republican found himself in trouble for earlier indiscretions, what did he do?  He threw money at he problem, by paying the blackmail.  Did that fix the problem?  No!

Strange bedfellows make strained politics
So culprits try hiding their antics
When someone got dirt
On ex Speaker Hastert
It was a problem that cash couldn’t fix.

Friday, June 12, 2015

My Origins

In this TMI era people reveal all sorts of embarrassing particulars; here in intimate detail is my story.

I’m the product of two mathematicians
Proof that under certain conditions
Two cells add to make one
Then compound the conundrum
By multiplying exponentially through divisions.

Cells divide and start to differentiate
As they multiply they also integrate
X and Y can be found
But probabilities abound
With randomness too complex to calculate.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Once He Was a Senator

Defeated in his home state primary when he ran for reelection. 

The announcement by Richard Santorum
Gives the G.O.P. more than a quorum
But the TV debates
Take just ten candidates
If his polls don’t improve they’ll ignore ‘im.

Santorum is seeking a niche
But his platform may have a glitch.
Can he help the middle class
While clinging fast
To cutting taxes for the rich.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

 Summer is Icumen In

July 4th we have guests arriving and the last ones leave in the middle of August. We can’t persuade anyone to come visit during the rest of the year.  Summertime, and the livin' is busy.

Maine is quiet nine months of the year
Then the bugs and tourists appear
With the first sign of frost
Their interest is lost
And quickly they’re all out of here.

I have a lot of painting and trim work to do to get the house ready.

It’s still May, it’s not even June
There’s so much that I should be doin’
To prepare for the day
When the guests come to stay
I ought to start panicking soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Another Candidate from Hope

What is it about Hope, Arkansas?

And next we have Governor Huckabee
A second time GOP wannabe
After six years on air
Is he balanced and fair
Or maybe a little bit huckstery?

He’s articulate, affable and has an interesting resume.

He’s a governor, he followed Bill,
A diabetes bogus cure shill
An evangelical pastor
A Fox News broadcaster
Who writes books when he’s got time to kill.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Socialist? Independent? Democrat?

Bernie Sanders seems to be the real thing, but that’s not politically popular these days.  His chances are slim, but he may still have an impact.

Bernie Sanders, a liberal Democrat
(A label with a dire caveat)
Knows that Liberal is out
As the pundits all shout,
They don’t see much future in that.

Will Bernie and Hillary fight?
His supporters hope that he might
At a minimum be able 
To get his views on the table
And slow down her drift to the right.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

More GOP Candidates

It’s hard to keep up with the ever expanding “deep bench” of Republican hopefuls.  First Dr. Carson, by all accounts a brilliant neurosurgeon.  I hope he has more control over his scalpel than his tongue.

Doctor Carson, now just who is he?
A potential GOP nominee?
With Obama there
He described Obamacare
The worst idea since slavery.

Next, Carly Fiorina, who lead Hewlett Packard through massive layoffs and a 50% decline in stock value.  A grateful Board fired her and gave her a multi-million dollar going away present.

She gave thousands of workers the sack
But she claims the management knack
HP’s value declined
So she’s starting behind
At least thirty thousand votes back.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Congress and Science

The U.S. House  of Representatives voted to prohibit scientists from testifying on the content of articles they had published, because to do so would be a conflict of interest; they might try to promote their own reputation.  On the other hand, corporate executives would be able to testify on matters which might affect their industry, their profits , their livelihood and their wealth.

They maintain it's a conflict of interest
For scientists, who know science best
To come testify.
Is this Congress's try
For Home Videos, America's Funniest?

Their integrity used to be hailed
Their objectivity is now being assailed
"If we let them testify,
For their agenda, they'll lie"
So their rights to free speech are curtailed!

Meanwhile the Senate voted 50 to 49 that climate change is not caused by human activity.  Just imagine how science will change if Congress thinks that it can legislate science.

Science was once based on fact
But Congress wants in on the act
New laws can be drafted
And established ones crafted
To suit people by whom they are backed.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Will the Pope's Encyclical Cite Man's Role in Climate Change?

I'm not a Catholic, but I thought that the Pope is their authority on all things spiritual.  I thought Catholics speak to God through the Pope, and vice versa.

The Pope made Conservatives irate
By joining the Global Warming debate
Their position is odd
Doubting science and God
Giving neither authority much weight.

I never did understand infallibility.

The Pope they claim is misled
By what many scientists have said
They may call the encyclical
Misinformed Papal Bull
And substitute their own faith instead.

After 400 years Galileo's contributions to science were acknowledged.

The Church ignored science in history
Remember Galileo Galilei?
With the climate disaster
The Church caught on faster
While the Tea Party denies it completely.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and ... Who's Next?

Marco Rubio now joined the fray
Once he was Jeb's protege
Will their friendship survive
A sustained campaign drive
Will they throw mud in each other's way?

He's the future, he's young and he's buff
He's Cuban, and fiscally tough
Will he get the nod?
Because behind that facade
Is the same old Tea Party stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Demographically Significant Candidate

To no one’s surprise Hillary Clinton has declared her candidacy.  She’s not Bill.

As Hillary has tried to make plain
She has a compassionate side to her brain
We’ve come to respect
Her drive and intellect
Will she listen, will she feel our pain?

Many Republicans despise her.

She has brains, experience and moxie
She’s been chased in the past by paparazzi
She has a long history
And irked the GOP
Who will hound her forever on Banghazi.

The president of the NRA says that white Christian Men are under attack from others, and she’s one of them.

The campaign may be brutal for Hillary
Republicans are eager to pillory
Her for her e mail
For being female
And more such offenses and villainy.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Different Politician - Maybe

With only  9 months to go until the first primary, they’re off and running.

The next in the ring is Ron Paul
Who’s blunt and outspoken and all
Given his stances
What are his chances
Of surviving the primary Brawl?

He was Libertarian not long ago
His defense posture was starting to show
Comparing his stand 
To the GOP brand
Will he stand firm or go with the flow?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Different Texas Politician

The Cuban, Irish-American, Canadian Texas Politician named Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz has an interesting family history.

Cruz senior once worked for Castro
Then religion called him to follow.
Cruz junior’s a debater
A government berater
A follower of hubris and ego.

And some different ideas.

Climate change is “flat-earther’s” ruse
According to Senator Cruz
He’s Ivy League trained
But Tea Party brained
A brain is a sad thing to lose.

He’s memorized the US constitution
But says government’s a bad institution
His career has been spent
Working for government
Will a shut down be his contribution?

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Deja Views

Remember how easily we would liberate and democratize Iraq, and how the oil revenue would pay for everything?   Well, last week one of those piece of cake war shills published an Op-Ed in the NY Times saying that our only option is to bomb Iran.  Now. 

The warmonger John Bolton is back
To say that we have to attack
Iran now.  No admission
Or sign of contrition
That he was dead wrong on Iraq.

If I had predicted that Harvard would win the NCAA basketball tournament last year, would the NY Times publish my prediction for this year?  and yet…

His prophecy on Iraq proved untrue
Should the Times waste ink on his view
And print his Op-Ed
Or should they instead
Give discredit where discredit is due?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

 More On Upcoming HS Reunions

My friends help me to remember the good stuff and we usually don’t talk about how …

Most of my teen years were spent
Repressing my internal ferment
I was scheming and hoping
And grasping and groping
To find what was really important.

If you could go back, would you then remember what you didn’t know then, but you do know now?

Would I relive my adolescence again?
In reruns do different things happen?
Could I really expect 
To improve or correct
All the dumb moves that I made back then?

Monday, March 23, 2015

What do YOU Expect?

What first comes to your mind when you hear the word limerick?  Nantucket?  Smut? …?  Somehow the typical limerick goes something like this:

A young person from a rhyming locality
Has an attribute or sexual proclivity,
This rare feature leading
To behavior exceeding
The limits of real possibility.

Life, Limericks and the Pursuit of Happiness has been on the market for almost three years now, and I think sales just reached 20 or so, so maybe:

After years it’s time I admitted
I’m disappointed, dejected, discomfited 
My book sales are slow
So now I know
The demand for clean limericks is limited.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My March Madness

Equinox, where are you?

Outside it is 14 degrees
The wind is beating up trees
I googled “Spring”
The web says it’s coming
Can we trust the net’s expertise?

Summoning the optimism a person needs
Last weekend I planted some seeds
60 days on the sill
Only 2 months until
The frost in the soil concedes.

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Poetaster's Dream

I think it is unusual
For a contest to solicit doggerel
None of the entries, I would bet
Are from a future laureate
This time the judge is rootin’
For something far less high falutin.

Today's entry for doggerel in the poetry contest @
Send your entry to

Thursday, March 12, 2015

There is Still Time

A Word A Day is running a poetry contest this week and there is still time to enter see:

and send your entries to by FRIDAY - Good Luck

So far this week you can enter (definitions provided on wordsmith) 

1) clerihew
2) epigram
3) cento
4) limerick
5) Friday's form to be determined

So here are my contributions so far:

Friday, March 6, 2015

Science vs Politics

Scott Walker, governor of Wisconsin, was in England trying to burnish his image and refused to answer a question about his beliefs on evolution

Since Darwin makes Scott Walker leery
In England he sidestepped a query.
Does he have the will
To sponsor a bill
To repeal evolutionary “theory?”

Meanwhile, back in Wisconsin, he tried to eliminate searching for “the truth” from the University of Wisconsin’s mission statement.  After all...

He lives in the Land of the Free
Resists any threat of tyranny
Won’t be subject to whims
Of scientific theorems
That infringe upon his Liberty.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Hizzonor’s Dishonor

First he says Obama doesn’t love the United States…

He governs a land he disdains
Hizzonor Giuliani complains
He grew up abroad
So his thinking is odd
His love of country is something he feigns.

..because he “is not one of us.”

Giuliani makes thinly veiled slurs
They’re not racist he quickly assures
The comments aren’t racist
It’s not race he insists
But his upbringing to which he refers.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Class Reunions

Upcoming high school reunions have got me thinking.  If I could go back in time I wouldn’t pick the year I was 16.

It's reunion year for my class
Fifty years through rose colored glass
Details are obscure
But I'm pretty sure
Back then I was really an ass.

We all remember things differently, what really happened, what were we really like?  Who you gonna trust?

Jus what was I like long ago?
Memories morph and they grow
For accuracy
Should I trust me
Or is it my friends who would know?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Congress is Off This Week - Well, They’re Off

Israel has an election next month, which we would never try to influence, and it’s usually the President who invites heads of state.

By inviting Netanyahu to town 
John Boehner is breaking new ground
Protocol violated
Prerogative inflated
In his effort to put Barack down.

There is no other reason to do this except that it feels good.

In the House, Republicans hold sway
And vote to kill Obamacare Today!
He’ll veto the measure
So it’s just for their pleasure
Are they playing Fifty Shades of Nay?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Is This Offensive 2 U?

Twitter, e mail, and thumbtyping wreak havoc with grammar and spelling.  Sometimes it really bothers me.

The way people write and they talk
Screeches like blackboard and chalk.
If they’re understood
Does that mean it’s good,
Despite the aural assault?

Yet, I am happy it’s a living language, and sometimes it’s POW.

English has long been in ferment
As writers bend rules and invent
It’s colorful making
It’s grammar rule breaking
And Shakespeare was preeminent.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Snow School Today

I’ve been shoveling since I got out of bed
The snow banks are over my head
As all children know
To enjoy the snow
Stop shoveling and jump on a sled!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday

All the inflated rhetoric and egos were upstaged by allegedly underinflated footballs.

A playoff is a high pressure game
All teams feel their passions inflame
As game pressure mounts
Every little bit counts,
But the footballs do not feel the same.

Once again PBS takes on the NFL.

For more than six hours on the air
The best teams in football are there
It’s two teams against
Lord Grantham and servants,
I Say! It scarcely seems fair.

Monday, January 26, 2015

 Yogi Berra is the Only Philosopher I Understand 

Philosophe -pronounced FEE low soff - french for philosopher.  Educated people used to put the crude words in Latin.

Philosophy impresses most people
But my interest in it is feeble
It’s deep sounding stuff
And some’s bad enough
That I’d call it philosophe fecal.

Perhaps the reason I canned
And dismissed with a wave of my hand -
Is it makes me feel smart
To tear philosophy apart
And to mock what I don’t understand.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

John Boehner Walks into a Bar

The bartender at his Country Club in Ohio got fired and blames the House Speaker.  Michael Hoyt has since been indicted for plotting to murder Boehner by poisoning his drink.

Michael Hoyt, the club barkeep got canned, 
He served Boehner his wine on demand
Then the car radio
Let Michael know
That Boehner should die by his hand.

Will you have your usual or something else, Sir?

John Boehner is scared, you can tell,
His worry is hard to dispel,
The threat is widespread
Because as he said
Obama has poisoned the well.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Doggie Bags Ain’t What They Used to Be

We just returned from a city where well dressed civilized people gather in the park to chat and clean up after their dogs.

In the morning dog owners are found
In the park, just standing around
With a full coffee cup
And a bag to pick up
What their dogs have just dropped on the ground.

In the evening again you may find
That they're back in the park to unwind
Drinking wine from a glass
While watching the grass
To pick up what their dogs leave behind.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The 114th Congress

Republicans now have a majority in both the Senate and the House.  John Boehner and Mitch McConnell were both reelected as the party leaders, and promised to get more done than the 113th, which doesn’t set a very high bar. 

Republicans predict progress this session.
Their majority raises the question,
After six years
Can Boehner switch gears
From a froward to forward direction?

Yes,  froward - adj. difficult to deal with, contrary.  Except when I’ve used it, I’ve only seen the word once, on a vocabulary test.

After six years of obstructiveness
Can Mitch repress contrariness?
He’s been trying to send a 
New message - new agenda;
Teaching his party to say YES.

Monday, January 5, 2015

One Year Anniversary

I started this blog a year ago yesterday, so we'll see what 2015 brings.  No promises, no predictions.

After a year is it time for review?
What is it that I'm trying to do?
I hope to find humor
With insights or views or
Opinions with a twist or askew.

I've tried to avoid all pretensions
While posting some good ones and bad ones
I know I've been lax
About grammar and syntax
And meter, forced rhymes and bad puns.