Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Post Christmas Chores

Did you have to return a gift this year?  I hope you weren't in line behind this fictitious irate customer.

She screeched loudly, and with no abeyance
She asked for help from the saints
I never heard such a fuss
I tell you she was
About two hundred pounds of complaints.

So if a gift didn't quite suit you, I hope you appreciate the spirit in which it was given.

Some gifts you'd prefer to decline
Just remember the giver was tryin'
So tolerate misgiving
Be kind and forgiving
As with limericks posted on-line.

Happy New Year to all.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Are You Ready for Season Five?

I don't feel like rewatching four seasons of Downton Abbey, but there is so much I have forgotten.

I know Matthew and Sybil have died,
Lady Edith has a baby to hide,
But I couldn't name half
Of the family and staff,
I need Downton Abbey, the Idiot's Guide.

Will season five just be an extended audition for Lady Mary's future husband?

Will Mary keep on playing the field?
Will the Ice Princess finally yield?
Is she still in denial
Of the season three final?
Is her blue blood fully congealed?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Life in the Espresso Lane

We live a long way from the national brand coffee houses, and I found I had a lot to learn.

I asked for a small caffe latte
I then heard the barista say
"See the chart on the wall?
We don't have a small,
Want a tall, or a venti or a grande?

So, with some confusion I read the wall chart.

The largest of all is the venti
In fluid ounces this gets you twenty
The Grande's sixteen
With the same dose of caffeine
And the Tall is the shortest of three.

I decided on a "Tall" and started to relax.

I still had more choosing to do
I had several milk options too
There is dairy or soy
And I thought oh boy
I need caffeine to think this all through.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Miscellany and Santa

Is the Patriot Act a threat to gift giving?

The prospect is too dire to dismiss 
The NSA could destroy Christmas 
If they find a way to
Hack Santa's data

They might decipher his list.

No matter what you believe, I wish you all the best.

The gifts all arrived Christmas Eve. 
The logistics are hard to conceive 
Is he real - Santa C.
Or just fantasy?

You believe what you want to believe. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Our Government and Santa

Santa isn't just way ahead of parents and kids, he's got government scientists baffled too.

The Air Force is seeking a way
To reverse engineer Santa’s sleigh
The fat man in the red suit
Eludes their pursuit -
He’s a blank on their radar display.

But it's good to know that he leaves no environmental impact either.

He freely invades US airspace
And departs without leaving a trace
In an ancient machine
(environmentally clean), 
Santa’s leading the technology race.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Science and Santa

Global warming scares children because
Of the harm caused by polar ice thaws
Since every child knows
That polar ice flows
Are the home of the elves and Santa Claus.

As adults we often don't understand things that are very easy for a child to see.

Quantum physics is abstract and dense
Too arcane for adults and parents
But children understand
It's how Santa Claus can
Simultaneously attend many events.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where is Justice?

I have hesitated to write about all of this, but it keeps haunting me.

Police claim to serve and protect
But that's not what many can expect
Killing twelve year old boys
Just playing with toys
Donning riot gear when people object.

The grand jury failed to appease
Ferguson's distrust and unease
When peaceful protest
Becomes civil 'unrest'
It's a symptom, it's not the disease.

Just what does excessive force mean?
What evidence needs to be seen?
Is justice a joke?
That illegal choke
Was visible right there on the screen.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Corporate Personhood - Again

If a corporation can be construed
As a person, I don't mean to be crude
But corporate inception
Means immaculate conception
If not, then someone got screwed.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Social Skills

When I was young I always felt that the only way I learned social skills was by thoroughly embarrassing myself.  There were rules, and I was the only one ignorant of them.

So often I felt like a fool
Unaware of some pertinent rule
Other kids had the rule book
And knew where to look;
I was absent when they taught that at school.

And now that hard won social awareness still needs work.

I’m no good at infighting tactics 
So I hate petty office politics
Because I find them hard 
They catch me off guard,
Those sneaky get ahead kind of tricks.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Season’s Greetings

As the winter solstice draws near
Days shorten in this hemisphere
Yet retailers’ antics
Subvert astral mechanics,
Black Friday grows longer each year.

Most faiths have a December holiday
And their followers all find a way
To do what is done
To support their religion,
Have you done your shopping today?

Monday, December 1, 2014

 I Stand Corrected

It seems I owe you an apology.  Strictly speaking I may not always post limericks.  I sent my Thanksgiving post to an acquaintance whose e mail is Prof**** and received a lesson about limericks in reply.

The professor was so unimpressed
About syllables stressed and unstressed
I had iambed to excess
And I put in less
Than the requisite quota of anapest.

And I quote, “Limericks seem easy but are trickier than they look. They require rigorous adherence to their metrical scheme (two lines of three anapests [^^- ^^- ^^-], two lines of two anapests, and a final line of three anapests) though an iamb [^-] can be substituted for the first anapest in each line.”

So, please accept my apology.  As you can see, I have substituted an I am to start most of the lines.

I am totally humbled, embarrassed
I am sure it is time I confessed
I am sloppy at best
About stressed and unstressed,
I am unschooled in iamb and anapest.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanks, That Was Great

She entered the room fully dressed
And exposed her thighs and her breast
In a lust induced trance
I loosened my pants
And ate the turkey with zest.

You tell someone 'Get Stuffed' if you're mad
Call them Turkey if their performance is sad
Is it the other way
On Thanksgiving Day
Or is stuffed turkey good enough to be Bad?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Are You a Football Fan?

Big guys who make a very good living pushing people around seem to think it should work off the field too.

It’s football season again
Violent, semi-organized mayhem
Hit, block and bruise
Are the skills that they use
On the field, and back home with their women.

I have always wondered how the refs can be sure exactly where forward progress stopped when there are 6 or 8 guys in a pile.  It just might be possible that the ball moved while they were unpiling.

The referee’s first down decision
Measured with absolute precision
With the ball buried deep
Under men in a heap
Means the refs must have X ray vision.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Would I feel so awkward if I called it diffidence or reserve?

Whenever I meet someone new
After Hello and How Do You Do?
My shyness starts showing
Ideas stop flowing
It’s an impasse I would love to get through.

It shuts down part of my brain 
Just talking becomes a real strain
There’s a total reduction
Of verbal production;
I’m afraid I’ll say something inane.

Occasionally the inner ham sneaks out:  ( )

Monday, November 17, 2014


On noting people’s accomplishments before it’s too late.

Obituaries are usually very
Appreciative, but death is necessary.
It’s a shame that the dead
Never learn what’s been said,
But death puts the Bitch in obituary.

Keep voting and Carry on!

When I think - Oh I’ve survived this before -
Sometimes the thought helps restore
Strength to endure
Other times I’m not sure
If I can take this stuff any more.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

 Real Politics, Unreal Politicians

The last generation of Conservatives would now seem liberal.

My reaction to the elections this Fall
Is fear, disgust and appall
Reagan seems saner
When compared to John Boehner
And McConnell makes Nixon look liberal.

And those are the moderates.

Then there are Inhofe and Cruz
Who claim Climate Change is a ruse
Their logic's unreliable
They may not be certifiable
But they don’t have many screws left to lose.

Roughly 37% of all eligible voters voted.  If even 60% of them voted Republican (I checked the Senate races and the votes were 51% R, 46% D and 3% Other) then only 22% of eligible voters voted for the people who control the Senate (53% of the Senate) and the House (57% of the House).

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Dark Side

We set our clocks forward in spring
When light lingered late in the evening
We find in the fall
We’ve squandered it all;
The daylight we thought we were saving.

My yoga teacher says we need to learn to ‘embrace the darkness’.  That’s a real stretch.

The days are too short for my taste
Afterwork daylight’s been erased
The sun cuts back its hours
And my mood often sours
Will the darkness lighten if embraced?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Post Election Depression

Mitch McConnell says Republicans have an 'obligation' to cooperate with Obama?

McConnell says its time to dispel
Tactics to make Obama’s life hell
After six years of obstruct
He’s got business to conduct
And an old bridge in Brooklyn to sell.

Eliot Cutler was asked by the Democrats to run on their ticket, but he declined, making it a 3 way disaster.

Eliot Cutler tried to take center stage
But his grandstanding created outrage
He’s no Angus King 
And his ‘Independent’ thing
Has given us eight years of LePage.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Which is Scarier?

Have you ever thought about the similarities between Halloween and Election Day?  

On Halloween kids disguise themselves in order to get treats, and if you can’t see through their disguise - they win.

For Election Day politicians disguise their threats and promise treats, and if you can’t see through their disguise - they win.

Costumed children are out on the streets
Threatening tricks but hoping for sweets
Do people recognize
The politicians in disguise
Glibly promising everyone treats?

At Halloween children are wary
Of goblins and a ghoulish menagerie
But for adults
The election results
Could be even more scary.

I seem to write about politics frequently, despite the advice to write about what you know.

For almost 10 months I’ve been host
Writing new limericks to post
Although I try
Some ideas won’t die
And resurface like a Halloween ghost.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween

Last summer featured a production of the new play R&J&Z (Romeo and Juliet and Zombies) purporting to show what happens after Shakespeare gave up once his protagonists died.

Zombies are the monsters du jour
Invading Shakesperean literature
- Romeo and Juliet -
Not Macbeth or Hamlet
Does undying love still endure?

If Jane Austen were alive today would she be writing about Zombies?

Zombies now haunt Pemberly!
Incongruity to the highest degree!
The undead have been tossed in
The world of Jane Austen
Of etiquette and lively repartee.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

$30 per VoteYou Get What You Pay For.

Apparently in this election over $4 billion will be spent to influence votes, that’s not counting ‘dark money‘ that isn’t tracked.  In 2012 fewer than 120 million people voted.

Supreme Court decisions enhance
The power of surreptitious finance
But cash calls the tunes
The justices are buffoons
If they don’t see the candidates dance.

Clean campaigns are a joke
Transparency has gone up in smoke
Though on each side
Donors may hide
The right wing’s addicted to Koch.

So we get the best representatives money can buy?  In a recent vote on a bill that would ensure that in some cases women would be paid at the same rate as men,  ALL Republican women voted against it.  Did they also agree to take a 20 to 30% cut in pay?  If not, why not?

Paying them less isn’t right
You’d think women would stand up and fight
But they all voted nay
On a law for equal pay
Republican Women Unite!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I’m Working on a Title for This One

It’s a powerful, natural force
Physicists are seeking its source
Their lack of progress
Could be expected, I guess
They’re studying procrastination of course.

This weekend I finally started getting the sailboat ready to be hauled out of the water, even though I had only used it once this summer.  Next year ...

It was  job I could no longer postpone
I sought no help, I just did it alone
But I really don’t mind
Working solo I find
More leeway to gripe, bitch and moan.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Omitted by Design?

When Opera House Arts announced their expansion plans with a press release last spring, they gave themselves credit for an image I created, and neglected to mention Eric A Chase, Architecture (for whom I work) as their Architect.  In their latest newsletter publicizing the new lobby and scenery shop they again neglected to name their architect, though they mentioned others involved in the project.  

In promoting their new facility
The owners gave donors publicity
They thanked the builder as well
The architect’s name was withheld
Thus preserving my anonymity.

They gave another architect credit

For a quick little sketch that he did
The builder-to-be
Got promotion - for free
But the project’s architect? Fuhgedit!

Click on the title Other Stuff (at right) to read more.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Less Than a Month to Election Day

If we don’t like the current Congress members and think they are doing a lousy job, why do we re-elect them?

Many cry ‘trow da bums out’
But the outcome is rarely in doubt
Unless someone retools
Congressional districting rules
Most incumbents will win in a rout.

Among the many reasons to thank the military is their contribution to the American / English language.  A glossary is printed below.

Congress is a major SNAFU
This session it’s even FUMTU
Compromise is AWOL
The COA is stall
It’s FUBAR all the way through.

SANFU - Pronounced sna-fu - Situation Normal All Fouled Up
FUMTU - Pronounced fum -tu - Frigged Up More Than Usual
AWOL - pronounced a- wall - Absent With Out Leave
COA - pronounced See Oh Ay - Course of Action
FUBAR - pronounced fu-bar - Fricked Up Beyond All Recognition

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Got Any Enthusiasm to Spare?

I don’t feel like working today
I’d like to stay home and play
Relax and have fun,
There’s too much to get done
I’d just work around the house for no pay.

I try to rekindle the fire
Some mornings I lack the desire
I need something new
A different point of view
Perhaps it’s time to retire.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Reunion Muse

Every 5 years my college class puts together a report from - very to not so - brief summaries of our activities for the last few years.

In the reunion report one reads
Of many classmates’ notable deeds
What is not evident
Is the bios not sent;
How well the silent half succeeds.

Many classmates write a modest report (a well known movie star, a wealthy software tycoon, a Nobel Prize winner), many don’t respond at all (a well known composer, a Nobel prize winner, and who knows who else?).  Some (see below) seem to be practicing the art of humblebragging (new entry in the OED).

Many classmates say they feel blessed.
The source of that blessing? My Guess?
In the glowing reports
Of wise choices and efforts
The gratitude seems self addressed.

Friday, September 26, 2014

 It’s Confusing

Does IT have a plural?

Consider the simple word its
Which sometimes an apostrophe splits
As a contraction it’s it’s
As a possessive it’s its
It’s confusing sometimes which its fits.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I just got back from a class reunion, many of my old friends were not there, some by choice.

I always enjoy class reunions
They’re emotional not spiritual communions
I’m sad when I go
Missing old friends I know
But happy to talk with some new ones.

But meeting people and starting conversations isn’t easy for me.

Whenever I meet someone new
I never know quite what to do
How are you, a hand squeeze
Then a total brain freeze
What next? I haven’t a clue.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Free Advice

You can’t go wrong if you pick the right aphorism.

You’re lost if you pause or hesitate
Because time and tide will not wait
But a practice worth keeping
Is to look before leaping
Because never is much worse than late.

For a fool and his money.

Memories they tell me are priceless
My thoughts fetch a penny or less
A skinflint will ignore
That you get what you pay for
But the free things in life are still best.

Monday, September 8, 2014

The OED Breaks New Ground

As I am sure you know, that’s a metaphor.

And what is a metaphor?
It’s for when you need more
Than mere simile
When your object must be
Something else down to its core.

Every year the OED (Oxford English Dictionary) adds some new words.  I don’t mean to humblebrag, but I worked two of them into the limerick below.

Some purists think it’s deplorbs
What the OED added is horbs
But the new words are totes
Acceptable colloques
And slangmeisters find them adorbs.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tax Break Defender  Needed - No Financial Experience Required

Eric Cantor lost his reelection bid
It's no big surprise what he did
Wall Street guys know
He put in his quo
So now he is getting his quid.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Is Leaning Back in the Seat in Front of ME Really More Comfortable?

Believe it or not this was in the NY Times this week.  Joseph Barro wants you to pay him to keep his seat upright.

Should the knee defender be banned?
A dispute got way out of hand
A passenger groused
And then he got doused
They cut short the flight to land.

The New York Times is opining
On the etiquette of seat back reclining.
Who owns the air rights
To their seat on plane flights?
It seems these rules need defining.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Second Amendment Was Written When You Had to Stop to Reload

Six bullets to stop an unarmed man.

"Guns don't kill, people do."
In Ferguson this may be true
But an Uzi went wild
In the hands of a child
Shooting her instructor before he ever knew.

Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right.

The magazine had lots of rounds in it
The gun can fire 600 a minute
As amusement it's fine
For a young child of nine
And Arizona law does permit it.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Do Any of You Know How to Do This?

There is expertise that my skill set lacks
When I sit down my superego reacts
I'm able to do nothing
But it just keeps on fussing -
And I really find it hard to relax.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Grammar Rules

Three views of grammar.

Grammar rules are like, last century
We ditch it, if its up to me
They’re a pain in the butt
Me and my friends are So What?
We could care less, literally.

Ain’t got no use for no grammar rules
They tried to frickin’ learn me in schools
‘Course I goan diss ‘em
Ain’t nobody goan miss ‘em
No good to nobody but fools.

Grammar is evolving today
I doubt the subjunctive will stay
Many mangle the possessive
Ignore the objective
And even the past tense is passé.

Ms. Doty (7th grade English teacher) should be smiling in her grave because the first two were very hard for me to write.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


If someone posts smut on the internet and no one understands it, is it still obscene?  You may have to consult this website in order to understand the following.  

Remember Mark Sanford who said he’d been hiking on the Appalachian trail?

He hiked on the Appalachian trail 
Chasing Argentinian tail 
By boarding land carracks 
Forming a beast with two backs, 
The soul mates played at couch quail. 

Is your hormone level too high? 
There’s culbatizing exercise you can try, 
Play hey gammer cook 
Or lerricompoop,
In Eros’ embrace you may die. 

Play the pyrdewy, don't wait 
Dance the Paphian jig until late 
Fadoodle and hug 
Play nug-a-nug 
And give a green gown to your mate. 

My thanks to poet and friend Peter H Desmond for giving me the link to mental floss.  You can read some of Peter’s poems on:

Monday, August 4, 2014


A minor milestone.

Seven months of blogging today
Seven months of ego display
I don’t know why
I’m basically shy
And some days have nothing to say.

Isn't taking all of August off kind of a French thing?

Congress went home for recess
But now their work starts in earnest
They fundraise and schmooze
Learn their big donors’ views
And return in September to rest.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Not PC

I’ve been using Macs for about 30 years, and PCs for 10 or so.  I have one program which only runs on Windows.  That program is fine, but the Windows part ....

The irritation is difficult to bear
And my Doctors don’t seem to care
They express disbelief
And offer no relief
For my allergy to Microsoft software.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

You Think You’re So Smart Don’tcha?

I grew up with a bad attitude
My view of the world was skewed
I was raised to assume
I was the smartest in the room
Making friends forced reality to intrude.

Well, maybe I gotta a few things to learn.

It doesn’t matter a whole helluva lot
Whether you’re the smartest or not
If you’re bright enough to discern
The brain grows as you learn
You can increase the brain power you got.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

 Ice Age Litter

The glaciers scoured all the loose rocks from Canada and dragged them to the Coast of Maine.

The glaciers came to Maine for vacation
Leaving litter when they were done
Between the frost and the plow
It’s still surfacing now
And we harvest the rocks by the ton.

The buried rocks are forced to the surface when the ground freezes and thaws, especially if the soil has been loosened by a plow.  A reliable crop, they can be harvested every year.

Farming in Maine is hard toil
The glaciers took all of our top soil
But rocks grow easily
They are calorie free
Drought tolerant, frost proof, and don’t spoil.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?

Malcolm Gladwell claimed that a person can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice.

Ten thousand hours to complete mastery?
Practice is not alchemy
Although the fact is
I get better with practice
It won’t make a Shakespeare of me. 

Other studies conclude that talent makes a big difference.

Some say practice is eighty per cent
Others say it is talent
When they are combined
With passion, you’ll find
Then the results are transcendent.

Practice and talent have their part
Just practicing won’t make you Mozart
He probably practiced all day
Considered it play
And had an awesome talent to start.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Exercise and the Brain

I've read so many articles about the benefits of exercise, but I still find it hard to make the time for it.  OK, I find other things to do and I tell myself they are important.

Why is it I don't realize
I feel better when I get exercise?
Brain and body resist
Screaming 'cease and desist!'
My excuse lobe has tripled in size.

It was a beautiful morning and I did get out for a run, excuse me, jog.

I go for a run, not a dash
The real runners go by in a flash
While I gasp and wheeze
They pass by in a breeze
If I watched them I'd probably get whiplash.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Sarah Palin, calling for the impeachment of the president, said the influx of young illegal immigrants over the southern border “is the last straw that makes the battered wife say, ‘no mas.’ ”  

From “Rules to Run By” - Gail Collins - New York times July 12, 2014

She preaching impeachment in public
With her singular syntax and logic
She's rantin' 'n railin'
Former Governor Palin -
The pit bull who applies her own lipstick.

She, and others, are screaming for impeachment because, what? They don’t like him?  That didn’t work so well with Bill Clinton.

There are scores of witnesses to be heard
Evidence to be weighed and considered
And facts, not just drama
To prove how Obama
Has high crimed and misdemeanored.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Politics - Two Years before the Next Presidential Election

News reports said that Texas Governor Rick Perry would not meet President Obama at the airport to shake hands, but he did.

Rick Perry was going to be rude
To display some raw Texas crude
The airport handshake
Did a little to break
The ice, but the mood was subdued.

The Republicans are talking law suits and impeachment, but they are not talking to Democrats, or about issues.

They call him an arrogant S.O.B.
The ‘worst president in history’
Their dislike’s unbounded
And I think it’s founded
In Obama’s Black ancestry.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Six Months of Blogging

Warning this message contains self promotional material, viewer discretion advised.

I’ve been posting some limericks I write
I disclaim any world altering insight
But I will claim
It helps me to reframe
My thoughts in a humorous light.

But I do have an ulterior motive.

I’m promoting this collection of mine
A book of limericks available on line
Borrow it free for a time 
With Amazon Prime

Or just buy it for two ninety nine.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Did Facebook Give You Positive News or Negative?

And how did you respond to their research?

Facebook manipulated the news
To see how it changed people’s views
A harmless experiment
With no evil intent
But the Guinea Pigs couldn’t refuse.

Big deal.  The results will help them serve you better.

So Facebook controls what you read
And alters the tone of your news feed.
Your reaction will show
What they want to know
To tailor their ads to your need.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

He’s Thinking Outside the Box

That's why he's a leader.

John Boehner is going to get rough
Suing Obama for trying to do stuff
Boehner wants no disruption
Of total obstruction,
Killing bills just isn’t enough.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer,  and Welcome to Maine

One small group of local residents eagerly awaits the influx of summer folk - a.k.a. fresh blood.

As summer comes to Downeast
Most of the locals are pleased
When the tourists arrive
Their business will thrive - 
The mosquitoes prepare for their feast.

Why do people often say "got him" when they slap a mosquito?

It’s a well know biological fact
When a mosquito lands and gets whacked
If you got bit
It’s not him or it
It’s the female that always gets smacked.

Male mosquitoes are only good for one thing, and most of us would be happy if they failed at that.

There are many examples that show
The ineffectiveness of males, I know,
I understand, I sympathize
Why feminists don’t emphasize
The role of the female mosquito.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

More on Weeds

By the side of the road I can see
Pretty leaves stretching out to caress me
It doesn’t take much
Just a very light touch
To feel how much Poison Ivy loves me.

Speaking of Poison Ivy

Dick Cheney has plenty of nerve
In the 60’s he was too busy to serve.
Despite the Iraqi blood fest 
And a new heart in his chest
He’s maintained his warmongering verve.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Operation Iraqi Freedom - after Eleven Years

Remember the rosy predictions?

Under the Awe and the Shock
Stuck between Hard Place and Rock
In a sectarian fight
Between Sunni and Shi’ite
Is a Crisis known as Iraq.

In Iraq we imposed ‘democracy’
It's rife with corruption and anarchy
How do we address
This violent mess?
With more troops and more weaponry?

Sunday, June 15, 2014


These two started out as an essay that I still haven’t finished, so you will miss the logic that produced these observations, and the conclusion.  I haven’t settled on the conclusion.

I wondered as I was pulling up weeds
What are their hopes. dreams and needs?
A nice neighborhood
Where conditions are good
Where they can flower and bring up their seeds.

I realized early yesterday
If they establish strong roots they will stay.
You must get rid of the roots
Not just the shoots,
Some think we should treat immigrants that way.

A friend said I should let people comment on the blogs.   Well, it’s possible.  All you have to do is overcome the assumption that ‘no comments’ is just a statement of fact.  

I just thought my readers should know
Space to enter comments will show
(Which you can submit
And I get to edit)
If you click on ‘no comments’ below.

Comment from Anonymous:   I hope I get your logic. Loved the limerick anyway and it made perfect sense on many levels ... 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Primary Season - and the Livin' is Sleazy

Some of us think that Eric Cantor is pretty conservative, but we've just been told we are wrong. 

Eric Cantor did not expect that
He would fall in primary combat;
The majority leader
Became election conceder
Brought down by a little known Brat.

His district is "safe" so no one needed to move toward the center.

The district has been gerrymandered
And the Tea Party candidate pandered
Appealed to a fringe
And moderates cringe
As Virginia has now been deCantored.

So how did an unknown with very little money manage to beat a powerful incumbent with plenty of cash to spend on his campaign?

Brat thanked  Ingraham for the support that she
Gave him in his stunning victory
But turnout was light
In reality he might
Also credit voter apathy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is Smut in the DNA of  all Limericks ?

There was a young [person] from [somewhere]
The hackneyed limerick starts there
And goes on to regale
In explicit detail
More information than most folks would share.

For example, there’s a man from Nantucket
Big boned, broad shouldered and rugged
Self absorbed, self satisfied,
His story’s glorified
In a limerick which may leave you disgusted.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

One of Those Weeks When You Can't Even Find an Excuse

I’ve been a negligent host
It’s been a week or so since my last post 
I’ve skipped days before
But this week I missed more
In five months this week is the slow’st.

I apologize for my lack of profuseness
Analysis and explanation are useless
There’s no rhyme or reason
My attempts were unpleasin’
The gap, I’m afraid, is excuseless.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Buyer Beware

See notes below. 

I’m no lawyer, but I’m going to opine;
In a contract you should read every line
It might be fine at first
But should worse come to worst
The fine print might not be so fine.

If it seems too good to be true ...

I was ripped off, hoodwinked, bamboozled
I didn’t read what I should have perusaled
I still can’t believe
I could be so naive
It was a deal I should have refusaled.

This site is free and comes with a money back guarantee.
Returns not accepted without proof of purchase.
Comments will be published only upon approval of blog host.
No warranty expressed or implied.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Partisan Politics

It was a tragedy, but I don't think it was a scandal.  And the death toll was well below Iraq and Afghanistan.

Benghazi is back in the news
The Republicans know who to accuse
They just need some facts
To back up their attacks
They are desperately searching for clues.

In the long run this is far more important, but science doesn't seem to do well in the polls.

On Climate Change, where there are clues
Republicans steadfastly refuse
To acknowledge any
Though there are many
And they claim the whole concept’s a ruse.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fashion and Hearing

Earrings are a decorative thing
I have no need of such bling
I have my tinnitus
Which is ubiquitous
So I am never without my ears' ring.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Town of Greece vs Galloway

The Supreme Court decided 5 to 4 that the Town of Greece, NY could start it's municipal meetings with a Christian prayer, as long as there remains a possibility that another religion might be represented some time.  And it shouldn't bother any non Christians present.

The Constitution mandates a division
Between government and any religion
The Supreme Court didn't care
And now sponsored prayer
Is approved, per their recent decision.

I tried to give the Court the benefit of the doubt because my hearing isn't very good and sometimes I think I hear something very different from what the speaker thinks he or she has said.

When I mis hear something, I invent
What I think the speaker might have meant.
The Constitution is in print
So mishearing din't
Explain their distorting it's intent.

But maybe there is another explanation.

Six of the nine judges are men
Five of them voted to loosen
Restrictions on prayer.
Will they stop there?
Or can the women introduce reason again?

Monday, May 12, 2014

Now That I know it is National Limerick Day

The excuse behind National Limerick Day:

He was a 19th century pioneer
So, on May 12th of the year
National Limerick Day
Is our way to say
Happy Birthday to poet Edward Lear.

Many disdain limericks for the scatalogical content of a few popular ones:

Limericks have an unwholesome reputation
For a bald and naked fixation
Will it offend so
If I use innuendo
For disguised, restrained titillation?

Happy International Limerick Day

On May 11, 2014, at 9:56 PM (PDT), Henry Doerr wrote from New Zealand:
Limericker, McMillan, Doug
So successful, he's too smug
Forgetting that today
Is International Limerick Day
He now must hide in a rug.

Giving me, the smug one, time to wish Edward Lear (1812 - 1888) happy birthday and to wish all of you a Happy Limerick Day.

On this side of the dateline I'm OK
Because today is still Mother's Day
But thanks for the warning
Because in the morning
I'll need something limerickal to say.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

And What Did You Do Yesterday That Was Different or Exciting?

I jogged up Market and then Sacramento
Down Channing and onto San Pablo
I tried hard to dent
The sidewalk cement,
The damage to the concrete doesn't show.

It was bloody embarrassing.

I didn't see where the pavement rose
But I found the bump with my toes
I didn't just land
On my outstretched hand
But on knees and forehead and nose.

Monday, May 5, 2014

It Was a Very Long Day

No, this is not a paid endorsement.

After 5 hours with the Concord Bus crew
We stayed in Boston an hour or two
To meet with TSA
Then 6 hours on our way
To San Francisco with a team from Jet Blue.

Despite the fact that the bus and plane seats had more room than many I have experienced (repeat above note) I was stiff and sore by the end of the day.

Sardined in a tube in the air
Cramped and wondering where
I could stretch out my feet
While strapped to a seat -
A torture rack in need of repair.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Congressional Peccadillos

Remember Anthony Wiener and Larry Craig?  The Supreme Court says you can contribute more than most houses are worth to influence the outcome of the campaigns of clowns like this.

Wiener (an unfortunate name)
Rose to (embarrassing) fame
When he posted arousal
(on-line, non spousal)
With a selfie as proof of his claim.

Larry Craig sat down in the airport.
When arrested for soliciting sport
He claimed the issue
Was an absence of tissue
He was merely signaling for it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Slice of Life

I am always hoping I can find a way to eat what I want (take a bigger slice) and not gain weight.

A new diet cookbook?  I’ll buy it.
A new approach to weight loss?  I’ll try it.
But I procrastinate
So I don’t lose much weight
I call it the “next week” diet.

My college class asked for a few paragraphs describing what I have been doing since the last reunion. 

My summary is going to be short,
There’s really not much to report
Same job, same address
Same activities, more or less
Getting older and trying to ignore it. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

In memoriam

This is dedicated to Richard, Jim, Stu, Allen, Irving, Sally, Kathy, Kevin, and so many others who made this world a great place to live...

I now read obituaries every day
Each friend’s passing brings new dismay.
Dear friends, listen to me!
If you crave publicity
I want you to find a better way.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Just to be Clear

Most feedback on my limericks has been positive, but I’ve been told "keep your day job", and "don't expect be the poet laureate".  

Getting laughs is my prime motivation
I have never sought laureatification
If nominated I’ll decline
Appointed I’ll resign
But I’d gladly accept remuneration.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Is This You?

Are your taxes still on your mind
Do you want them finished and signed
But in all that mess
That covers your desk
Is a receipt you still need to find?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Senior Moment

A recent article gave seniors some credit
We have so much in our head it
May take a while
To find the right file
I just can’t recall where I read it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Money = Speech?

It’s not a mathematical identity.

The Supreme Court stretched logic to reach
The conclusion that money is speech
Isn’t it funny
That speech is not money?
If we paid them with talk they would screech.

You pay sales tax and sales commission when you by a car or a house.

You can now buy your own politician
Thanks to their latest decision.
The Court had a chance
To bring the budget in balance
By imposing a stiff sales commission.

Or do they have a different agenda in mind?

Is the Court really doing their best
To solve the campaign financing mess?
With the most recent suit
They’ve taken the route
Of trying to privatize Congress.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Affordable Healthcare Deadline

The website was a disaster, but ...

At the end they enrolled in a burst
Seven million bought insurance by the first
Many signed up freely
For their own policy
While others are feeling coerced.

... and then there are some of us who think there is a better way.

We pay dearly to be doctored and nursed
Though our system is far from the worst
We spend more on healthcare
Than most countries out there
Yet in longevity we rank fifty first.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Corporation is a Person?   Just think about it for a second or two.

I thought we put an end to this 151 years ago.  Thank you Abraham Lincoln.

The Supreme Court didn’t think this one through
Stock ownership should be up for review
If you accept the assertion
A corporation’s a person
Then shareholders are Slave owners too.

Up until now bankruptcy has just been standard business practice.

If the justices had been more alert or
Taken their reasoning further
They’d realize that granting
Personal standing 
Means bankruptcy turns into murder.

Friday, March 28, 2014

A Corporation is a Person, my Friend.

The Supreme Court has ruled (Citizens United) that a corporation has many of the same rights as a human,  "free speech" being one of them, remember Money = Speech.

Though they’re God fearing women and men 
The supreme court defied logic again
In utter defiance
Of religion and science
They created life with the stroke of a pen.

I would like the court to explain
How a corporation can possibly attain
With no eyes to see
No heart, no lungs and no brain.

All this comes up because the Court is considering a case in which a company claims its "deeply held religious convictions" should allow it to deny its employees health coverage for contraception.

The Supreme Court is reviewing a brief
Of a company seeking relief
It claims a corporation
- An inanimate creation -
Has a deeply held religious belief.

... to be continued.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

 Ignoring the Big News of the Week

It’s snowing.!

The long term demographic trend
Will take power from elderly white men
Ol’ Man Winter is white
But he’s gonna fight
With a blizzard right up to the end.

Leaving aside for the moment the tragic disappearance of an airliner, a mud slide, the ongoing crises in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, What might be Palestine, Ebola virus outbreaks, starvation, poverty ...... march madness ... you might have missed this important news.

The leadership of the world convenes
To discuss the method and means
To deal with Crimea
The press’s idea
Is to diss Obama’s blue jeans. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Reaction to the Previous Post

I castigate these billionaire fellows
And mock the inane things they tell us
So some might surmise
That I criticize
Because I’m a little bit jealous.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Income Inequality - Again

One billionaire groused that the lower 99% shouldn't resent the billionaires and how much they have.

It's one percent versus ninety nine
A billionaire says "You’re doing fine,
You already have more 
Than most of the world’s poor
So suck it up and don’t whine."

A billionaire’s needs must be few
But he still finds some griping to do
All the money and power
Apparently feel sour
He wants love from the downtrodden too.

Tom Perkins, a venture capitalist, wrote a letter to the Wall Street Journal comparing the persecution of the "one per cent" to Kristallnacht, and later in a talk suggested that people should get one vote per dollar of net worth.

Tom Perkins, capitalist billionaire
Says the one per cent must beware
“They should change laws to suit us
Instead they persecute us
It’s like Nazi Germany out there.”

And went on to moan that the ninety nine per cent are trying to eradicate the one per cent, then the top five percent, and then the top ten per cent.

It’s the big gap that people resent
But eliminate the top one percent?
There will always be some
With the most wealth and income.
It’s a mathematically impossible event.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

To My Loyal Readers (Both of You)

Since January I’ve been the host
Of a fitful limerick infused post
If my suspicions are right
My audience might
Be three or four readers at most.

There’s too much on the net to explore
The last thing the web needs is more
“Content” to read
So I’m filling a need 
By writing poems that are safe to ignore.